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Inglés. Preparación de examen B2
75 horas

- Formar a los alumnos a un nivel medio-alto en la expresión y comprensión de la lengua inglesa, tanto en su forma hablada como escrita, para utilizarla en situaciones cotidianas como instrumento de comunicación
- Adquirir los conocimientos lingüísticos para desarrollarlos y ser capaz de desenvolverse en una amplia variedad de contextos sociales y profesionales.
- Capacitar al alumno para enfrentarse a situaciones comunicativas que exigen mayor nivel de elaboración del lenguaje.
- Producir textos claros y detallados sobre temas diversos

Unit 1. Never judge a book by its cover
Vocabulary. Describing people: personality and appearance.
Compound adjectives
Grammar: defining and non-defining relative clauses.
Modals for deduction (past and present)
Writing an informal email
Pronunciation: compound adjectives

Unit 2. Down-to-earth
Vocabulary. Animal idioms. Animal collocations: animal sounds
Grammar: modals and expressions of probability.
Conditionals. Alternatives to IF
Writing an article
Pronunciation: contractions. Linking

Unit 3. Home sweet home
Vocabulary. Types of housing. Places in the home. Housework.
Phrasal verbs connected to people relations
Grammar: modals of obligation/absence of obligation/prohibition/advice.
Have/get something done writing a report pronunciation consonant clusters

Unit 4. A penny for your thoughts
Vocabulary. Money. Jobs
Grammar: infinitive versus –ing. Participle clauses
Writing a covering letter
Pronunciation: stress shift

Unit 5. Caught red-handed
Vocabulary crime. Criminals
Grammar: emphasis (do, so and indeed). Cleft sentences. Inversions
Writing an opinion composition
Pronunciation how to sound emphatic

Unit 6. Out and about
Vocabulary. Leisure activities: travelling. Extreme sports
Grammar: used to, would. Narrative tenses
Writing a blog post
Pronunciation-ed endings

Unit 7. TV or not TV?
Vocabulary. Headlines.
Television (people, TV programmes and a TV guide)
Grammar: impersonal report structures.
Contrast (despite, in spite of, although…)
Writing a “for and against” composition
Pronunciation: contrastive intonation

Unit 8. An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Vocabulary. Health and illness.
Idioms related to the parts of the body. Food and diet
Grammar: reported speech. Reporting statements, commands and questions.
Writing a complaint email/letter
Pronunciation: homographs. Homophones

Unit 9. No regrets just lessons learned
Vocabulary. Feelings
Grammar: I wish/if only.
Would rather, would sooner, had better. It´s time
Writing a personal anecdote
Pronunciation /s/ - /z/ - /?/

Unit 10. Facebook = language facelift?
Vocabulary. Compounds with –ever. The Internet. Fast writing
Grammar: future perfect and continuous.
Use of the article for generalizing
Writing: a review
Pronunciation: words pronounced differently in Spanish/English



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Faltan los apellidos. Introduce tu apellido.
Falta el Email. Introduce tu email.
Falta el teléfono. Introduce tu telefono.
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